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T-shirt Upcycling-Repurposing META POST

April 22, 2010

from Wikipedia: Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value.

Another word I’m going to ‘throw around’

Verb to repurpose

2. To alter to make more suited for a different purpose.

I’m sure a lot of you readers are familiar with taking something old and using it for a different purpose that it was originally intended. I’m also sure that a lot of you practice upcycling and repurposing on a regular basis.

Our Ancestors used things until they were just plumb unusable anymore. I know my Grandmother says to me “Use it up, wear it out, make do with what you have”.  Examples of repurposing?
crocheted rugs I'm working on

Two rag rugs I’m crocheting out of scraps from other projects. Everyone is familiar with these kind of rugs! Or howabout quilts?

Antique Crazy Quilt

Lately I’ve been gifted with quite a few t-shirts. Some my kids loved. Some my kids friends loved. But others… meh. What to do with them? I’ve seen a few posts from blogs I follow where they’d re-done a shirt into something a little better fitting, or made market bags. That occurred to me. But some of them are just plain ugly, or have slogans I’m opposed to wearing. So I did what I always do.

I googled it. heh.

and OH MAN the sheer QUANTITY of links I found. Then those links led to more links, and to more links. Next thing I know, I’ve got a mission. To write a post about the things you can do with t-shirts. A Meta Post, we shall call it!

So here we go. If you’d like to see a picture of the project, simple hover your cursor over the link and a picture should pop up. If any of the links are broken please let me know! And if you’ve got a project you’d like included, feel free to let me know. I’d like to ask that it be significantly different from the other items included that it’s new information AND that it’s a tutorial or has enough pictures to be pretty darn clear about how it was made. Thanks!!  I’d also like you to note that some of these items are not originally made with t-shirt material. However, they are made out of material (like fleece and felt) that would lend itself admirably to a t-shirt project.

edited to add: Sorry about the BOLDING of links and the smooshing them together and the various colors. WordPress isn’t my original home and html is not my best friend. So in the interest of actually having this post up on Earth Day and having a life the rest of today. I’m going to leave it the way it is while it still works LOL!!


Ruffle shirt~ << Tea Rose

1 Shoulder Tank Top w/ Pleats



Toddler Ruffle Skirt << Sew Much Ado

Toddler Pants << Rookie Moms



Baby Romper from a T Shirt << wikiHow


Little Boxer Briefs << Sew a Straight Line

Make Your Own Bras << Queen of the Trailer Park


Bathing Suits


Bikini << Cut Out + Keep – M.a.r.i.s.o.l.










Ruffle Pillow Tutorial << FloralShowers

Stuffed Animals aka: Plushies aka: Softies


13 Comments leave one →
  1. April 22, 2010 6:37 pm

    Thanks for linking to several of my t-shirt yarn projects. I noticed that the link for my t-yarn bathmat rug isn’t going to my website though. The correct link is

    Best wishes and thanks again for posting all these links in one post. I will link back to you from our Trash to Treasures at Ravelry as a resource page.

  2. April 22, 2010 7:05 pm

    Thank you for posting these!

  3. April 28, 2010 7:53 am

    This has given me more ideas. Thanks for posting this. Whenever I go to the ARC, I get a T-shirt, so I have a lot of older ones I no longer wear. A T-shirt quilt made with ARC panels sounds like a plan.

  4. July 24, 2010 12:59 am

    Thank you for linking to my little girl ruffled t-shirt skirt! I am flattered.

  5. August 4, 2011 7:07 pm

    Recently I’ve been gathering links to write a post on t-shirt surgery for grown-ups (I’m to old to let my belly hang out between my shirts & skirts). But I see you already wrote the post for me! Heh. Thank you for posting all these links. May I reference this if I do end up writing that post?

  6. bonnie permalink
    September 3, 2011 8:44 pm

    Low cut empire waist halter top link has spam linked to it with malicious download.

  7. September 30, 2011 1:50 am


  8. Jennifer permalink
    November 26, 2011 10:41 pm

    Awesome! Thanks!

    Oh, and I’ve always hear the quote, “Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without” – very similar to what you’re grandma says! 🙂


  1. Terror in the Room « KaliTimes Growing Lunacy
  2. Thrifty Crafty « Strongville
  3. You The Readers « Spiral Owl’s Create-it Blog
  4. Upcycled Tees « Magpie's Miscellany
  5. T-Shirt Upcycling | tox

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